Ibn ‘Arabī’s Doctrine of Sainthood: A Paradigm of Integration in Multi-faith and Multicultural Societies


The children of father Adam and mother Eve have a diverse relation with each other but need to know about the reality of this relationship as a single great family. Besides, it represents that religious diversity goes to one religious identity. The question arises which type of comparative study of religion is required to grasp such reality? In answering this question, the present study analyzes the Ibn ‘Arabi’s Doctrine of Sainthood. The study discusses his unique philosophy of unification of Prophethood, its understandability and acceptability in integration of society, whether society is isolated in single culture or multicultural with multi-faith aspects. The cultural differences are addressed through the Ibn Arabi’s idea of human unity which can play an important role in understanding the family structure and its integration of faith, values and education. Moreover, his spiritual sensibility can also approach rational investigation that integrates the different universal cosmological and cosmogonical studies. The present research objectives are as follows: What is self-realization and how can one grasp its procedure and the importance of cultural differences in the same species? The study is based upon Ibn’Arabi’s writings significantly regarding “Al Nubuwa wal Villaya” Seals of the Saints. We explain how to understand the intellectual meaning of social connectivity through the Heirs of the Prophets and their three Seals. This study is analytical in nature and based upon interpretative methodology.


Bushra Subhan
Student, Post Doctorate, International Research Institute of International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Religious Identity, Diversity, Cultural differences, Seals, Integration, Reality, Cosmology