Daughter of the Heavenly King: Musings on the Dignity Feminine Identity in Catholicism


Sometimes the way of faith can feel separate from what we consider to be our daily lives as women. This is ever more stressful in an age where what it means to be a woman is constantly scrutinized and debated. It is confusing for girls and women of any age to remain grounded in a sound identity. The challenge becomes ever more important to tackle as catholic women of faith. But, when it comes to that moment of panic that arises while at work or school, the Godless entertainment we may be consuming on the internet, the relationships we have with non-believers and more: for women in faith, these moments can be ones where we unknowingly detach from our Father and as such lose touch with that very important part of our identity that keeps the light in us light. It’s challenging to keep faith burning in a world filled with people and things seeking constantly to put it out. This paper explores how, for women, this occurs uniquely, because of society’s relationship with women at the various stages of their life. In the crudest of manifestations, what we experience as women is this: A girl, for a time is too too young and unformed to do things of impact, an adolescent young lady becomes the idol of lust, the young adult woman is viewed as a fertile breeding ground, and the mature woman is utterly de-feminized and stripped of the right to enjoy the characteristics she was once revered for.


Mukundi Ramaite
Student, Business Administration, University of Southern California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Foundations


Catholicism, Feminine Genius, Womanhood, Dignity, Faith