Tradition and Transformation - Saint Devota Festival in Monaco: Rituals, Heritage, and the Crafting of Identity


The research explores the transformation and patrimonialization of the Saint Devota festival in Monaco, highlighting the interactions between religious practices, cultural practices, and state power. Through a documentary analysis covering a period of 146 years, this study highlights the evolution of rituals and symbols associated with this celebration, as well as their impact on national identity and the sense of community belonging. Based on historical sources, we examine how sociocultural and political changes have influenced the manifestation of the Saint Devota festival over time. Finally, we offer reflections on the complex relationships between religion, culture, and state power, showing how political will can play a key role in the survival and revitalization of the festival. This study contributes to discussions on the conservation of cultural heritage and the importance of rituals in building community and national identities.


Anastasia Shevchenko
Student, PhD, Université Côte d'Azur, laboratoire LAPCOS, France


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Spaces, Movement, Time: Religions at Rest and in Movement


Ritual, Tradition, Modernity, Patrimonialization, Religious Festival, Territorial Valorization