The Power of Cultural Humility as a Remedy for Ritual Desecration


In the tradition of social constructionism, we will explore the power of cultural humility as a remedy for “ritual desecration” among religious communities. “Ritual desecration,” a sociological term we have coined, occurs when specific community members are discriminated against, bullied, or marginalized by others. Consequently, the challenges, obstacles, and sufferings they experience are internalized, whereby they are not only “strangers” to their own community but also themselves. The consequences of ritual desecration can be deadly (e.g., suicide statistics among the LGBTQIA community). Thus, we explore how cultural humility can become a starting point for social and personal healing and well-being in religious communities and beyond.


Raul Prezas
Associate Professor, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Lamar University, Texas, United States

Paul Shockley
Lecturer, Languages, Culture, and Communication, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Ritual Purification; Ritual Desecration; Cultural Humility; Religious Communities; Socialization practices