Spirituality and Violent Crisis Manifested on the Tattooed Body: A Mexican Migrant in Denmark


This paper explores the dynamic interplay between religion, migration, and the decorated body through the narrative of Juan, a Mexican migrant in Denmark. Departing from this singular story, I argue that expressions of spirituality through the adorned body offer general insights into the complex intersections of globalization, identity formation, reinterpretations of sacred narratives, religious pluralism, and the movement between Latin America and a secular state like Denmark. Having endured significant loss and isolation at a young age, Juan found solace in religion, particularly through occultism, introduced to him by a supportive community in Mexico City. Facing threats and harassment from local gangs, Juan’s involvement in this spiritual community provided him with a sense of belonging. However, Juan’s engagement with spirituality was also marked by challenges, including a violent fight resulting in a stabbing and the killing of a close friend. Juan’s migration to Denmark represents a new chapter in his spiritual voyage, where his body comes to serve as a canvas for expressing his beliefs and seeking protection through tattoos adorned with occult symbols and runes. Juan’s embrace of ancient Nordic and Aztec cosmologies reflects a nuanced negotiation of cultural influences and personal experiences. Juan’s utilization of divinatory tools underscores the adaptive nature of spirituality in navigating life’s uncertainties, including grappling with mental trauma stemming from a tumultuous past. Through Juan’s story, the paper illuminates the multifaceted ways in which religion shapes the experiences and expressions of migration and how emerging forms of embodied spirituality can mediate trauma.


Maja Balle
PhD Student, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University Center, København, Denmark


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Spirituality, Migration, Body, Tattoos, Mexico-Denmark, Globalization