Unmasking the Deviance Undercurrent: The Anatomy of Sexual Depravity in Pastoral Contexts


Within the hallowed halls of religious sanctuaries, a sinister phenomenon thrives—the ‘unacknowledged known.’ This unsettling concept encapsulates a reality where sexual exploitation of vulnerable women persists beneath the surface, often overlooked or swept under the rug. The paradox of powerful religious figures with feeble sexual ethics reinforces this perversion, enabling them to prey upon the innocent with impunity. It’s a twisted dance of authority and subjugation that leaves victims silenced and scarred. Central to this disturbing dynamic is the disproportionate power wielded by male religious practitioners. The construct of hegemonic masculinity within religious hierarchies exacerbates the problem, further entrenching the imbalance of power. The consecrated aggressor is shielded by a cloak of authority, rendering the holy casualty vulnerable and voiceless. This power dynamic dismantles the spiritual haven that the Church should provide, leaving victims subjected to a new form of spiritual oppression. The Church; arguably and chronically so, proves reticent to sexual offences and oppressions by her functionaries within the institution. The article also ventures into the murky waters of clerical reaction to sexual offences and victimisation. Too often, the Church’s response has been one of denial, cover-ups, or superficial apologies that lack genuine remorse. This inadequate reaction perpetuates a cycle of mistrust and further victimisation, shrouding the institution in a cloud of disgrace.


Mashudu Muthivhi
Lecturer, Human Sciences, University of Venda, Limpopo, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Politics of Religion


Ethics, Deviance, Perversion, Power, Religious Practitioner, Sexuality, Victim