Learning and Values of Purisimians: The Heart of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion's Diamond Jubilee Celebration


Among institutions of learning, knowing how their school-training developed their alumni gives a premium in commemorating their school jubilee celebrations. Considering the diamond jubilee anniversary of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion (CPC), this phenomenological qualitative study looked into the values learned, developed, and practiced by its alumni (i.e. the Purisimians) for the past seventy-five years. It probed the things Purisimians felt happy and grateful being a part of CPC. The study involved a non-probable sample of 60 Purisimians from different batches (i.e. from Academic Year 1948 to 2023) and educational units of the college (i.e. Basic Education, Higher Education, and Post-Graduate Programs). Qualitative data gathered were based on three researcher-made and open-ended questions validated by three experts in the academe. The Qualitative Data Content Analysis Method of Parveen, Huma, Showkat, and Noyeem (2017) guided the process of data analysis. Three major results were obtained: (1) values related to self and others were learned by Purisimians while studying in CPC; (2) Purisimians demonstrated the values they learned from CPC in their personal and social life; and (3) Purisimians were pleased for the growth and development they achieved in their lives out of their CPC Catholic education. Given these results, three conclusions were drawn: (1) good values are learned in CPC; (2) the personal and social lives of Purisimians are the locus where the values they learned in CPC are manifested; and (3) Purisimians are happy and grateful to acknowledge their personal growth and development because of their CPC Catholic education.


Glenn Bermejo Baes
Vice Rector, Head - Planning and Development, Graduate School Professor, Administration and Faculty, Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion, Capiz, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Education, Institution