Adolescents’ Religiosity and Spirituality: Are They Linked to Positive Youth Development and Well-being?


Religiosity and spirituality (R/S) have been proposed as favourable factors in the well-being and development of adolescents. This paper reveals the outcomes of research that explore how young individuals in the secular and religiously skeptical environment of the Czech Republic interpret their R/S across various dimensions. Additionally, the investigation delves into the role R/S play during adolescence, a period linked to the pursuit of personal identity and meaning, and the extent to which they contribute to positive development and well-being. Adolescence represents a crucial life stage where many youths are receptive to spiritual experiences, often without aligning spirituality exclusively with organized religion. This dichotomy between R/S and such attitudes may vary, further influenced by whether individuals identify as believers or non-believers. Consequently, it is crucial to comprehend the perspectives of young people regarding the reflection of R/S in their lives as they navigate identity formation and the quest for meaning. Our findings indicate that R/S, particularly their interconnectedness with heightened levels of spirituality, can influence adolescent development, fostering the internalization of religious values among the youth. Consequently, these results aid in understanding the factors shaping young individuals’ perceptions and experiences of R/S, contributing to a more constructive and insightful comprehension of their world. This understanding, irrespective of their current (non-)religious affiliations, ultimately promotes the authentic growth of spirituality in young people.


Alice Kosarkova
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, Department of Christian Education, Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomoucký kraj, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Religiosity, Spirituality, Adolescents, Development, Well-being, Meaning in Life

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