Corona and Belief in God: Investigating the Conflict of Corona - as a Natural Evil - with the Divine Attributes of Monotheistic Religions


The “problem of evil” is an issues that has occupied people’s thoughts for a long time. Ever since humans entered the world, they found themselves surrounded by suffering and pain. One of those suffering is the corona disease. This has caused significant changes in the world. Coronavirus is one of the natural evils, which are those sufferings and problems that are not of human origin, nor under his control. It seems that natural evil is in conflict with some divine attributes that monotheistic religions believe in, and their existence must be justified based on God’s attributes. Monotheistic religions believe that God is “Omniscient”, “Omnipotent” and “Pure Goodness”. So despite these attributes, there should not be natural evils like corona. The most important question that comes to human mind with the spread of corona is that if the natural evil of the corona disease does not conflict with God’s knowledge, wisdom and benevolence, why did God not create a world free of evil? God-believing thinkers have provided answers to solve this problem, including the philosophy and benefits of evil, the goodness of the creation system, and the necessity of materiality in the world. Therefore, according to solving the problem, the problem of corona disease is also solved as natural evil, and thus, it will not contradict with Divine attributes. One of the effects and benefits of corona disease is making alert and eliminating negligence of contemporary people; realizing the absolute power of God and the imperfection and limitation of human intellect.


Mohammad Sadegh Amin din
Head of Interfaith Dialogue, Islamic Seminaries of Iran, Qom, Iran


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Foundations


Natural evil, Corona, God, Divine attributes