Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno in the Sacred and Profane Spaces of Quiapo


The Historic City of Manila is composed of different districts, one of the most important is Quiapo which is known as the home of the miraculous image of the suffering Jesus – the Black Nazarene. Quiapo is bounded by the Pasig River in the South-West, San Miguel in the South-East and Sampaloc in the North-East. The church of Quiapo is at the center of the City of Manila where devotees from different walks of life and beliefs pay homage to the miraculous image every day. The image of the Nazarene was brought to Manila during the 1600 by the Augustinian Recolect friars from Mexico to establish special devotion. From then on such devotion to the Nazarene attracted numberless of devotees due to its miraculous effects to the physical and spiritual needs of the believers. Today, Quiapo is a melting pot for different beliefs and religious practices that include Catholicism, Folk religion, fortune telling, special ritual for talisman, blessed herbs and extraordinary semi-precious stones for healing. This paper shares the heterogeneity of religious rituals by various folk believers, articulated Christians and talisman merchants. Folk religiosity is also considered as practices by people from different walks of life.


Albert Romero
Assistant Professor, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bulacan state University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Spaces, Movement, Time: Religions at Rest and in Movement