Dynamic Forces

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Jesse Eugene Herriott, Student, Ordained Ministry (Unity Minister), Unity Institute and Seminary (UWSI), Missouri, United States
Agnieszka Podolecka, University of Warsaw / University of South Africa, Poland

Leaving Religion as a Letting Go Ritual in Narratives about Apostasy View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Magdalena Grabowska  

In the current paper we turn towards the symbolic dimension of apostasy. An artistic representation of it can be found in the exhibition entitled “Apostasia: Rituals of Letting Go”, presented in Garage Gallery, in Prague, featuring folk and indigenous traditions, beliefs, and crafts. According to the authors of the exhibition, apostasy exemplifies resignation strategy and an exit. It brings liberating results by being an act of resistance against institutional violence. One way of coping with the oppressive character of this institution is a turn towards unorthodox knowledge systems, such as astrology, conspiracy, or folk beliefs. Following this inspiration, we will address the question of whether the act of apostasy reveals traces of the rite of passage, whether and how apostates highlight the stage of separation, transition, and incorporation of secular identity (Van Gennep 1960) in their accounts. We try to evidence the meanings people attribute to the act of apostasy and how they evolve but also what strategies apostates employ to give access to their biographies. The material we look at includes fragments of interviews with apostates and more recent posts which were published on the Facebook group “Apostazja 2020” following author’s invitation to share views about apostasy as a letting go ritual.

The Freedom of Religion or Belief Nexus with Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Projects in Kenya and Indonesia View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen  

The paper looks at Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) interventions in Kenya and Indonesia using Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) projects led by the JISRA consortium. JISRA projects in Kenya envision peaceful coexistence via the lens of freedom of religion or belief interventions. The following research questions shape the study: How do we view and understand freedom of religion or belief (FORB) initiatives in the developing global South? How do we situate FORB within projects related to preventing and countering violent extremism in Kenya and Indonesia? The role of religion is complex, and understanding the nuanced role of religion in conflict, violence, and (post-conflict) social transformation processes requires empirical evidence to situate local developmental projects in their respective countries. The study is based on postdoctoral research conducted for the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religion Action (JISRA) project "Reimagining Religion, Security, and Social Transformation." The analysis highlights the complex, nuanced role of religion in PCVE efforts while strengthening efforts on FORB in Kenya and Indonesia.

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