Cultural Complexities

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Evita Rentzi, Student, PhD Candidate, Theology, National and Kapodristrian University of Athens, Greece

Neopagan Identity in a Conservative State: Exploring a Complex Cultural Identity in a Predominately Christian State

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Alexis McKernan  

Neo-paganism as a religious movement has been on the rise not only within the United States, but also across the world. Neopaganism is a tapestry of complex, cultural practices that are widely dictated by the practitioner rather than a larger entity. Social media and entertainment outlets have portrayed different sensationalized facets of these movements, such as witchcraft. This includes an umbrella of many different practices from across the world including astrology, reiki, yoga, and crystal meditation. This phenomenon led to conducting a survey of the University of Central Oklahoma’s campus population to gauge what were the attitudes around Neopaganism and the umbrella of practices. The survey received 308 unique responses and proved both that Neopaganism was growing in Oklahoma, but that Christian culture was against the movement. Neopaganism offers those who practice it the freedom to experiment and dictate their religious identity without some of the constraints of organized religion. Organized religion's constraints are seen within states like Oklahoma that practice not only conservative politics but also conservative religious views. Christianity is the predominate religion in the state and is present within almost all faucets of life within the state. Christian ideals maintain a particular status quo within Oklahoma's society and if one does not fit within them, it is common for people to leave the state establishing a religious hegemony. This paper explores the survey results as well as the fundamentalist Christian culture that is in Oklahoma and the growth of the Neopagan counterculture in the state.

Catholicism in the Latinx Community: A Look at Identity Impact on Mental Health

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ana Marie Lopez  

The Latinx community has largely followed Roman Catholicism beliefs and practices. Throughout history, Latinx culture has been greatly influenced by Roman Catholicism. Religion can be a positive guiding force in one’s life and on the opposite end of the spectrum it can be problematic, restrictive, and unsupporting. Catholic individuals traditionally have more conservative, fundamentalist views on social and religious issues. The intersectionality of being Hispanic, queer, and religious leads to different mental health outcomes. This research focuses on the role religion plays in Latinx mental health specifically regarding anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. This research was gathered via studying different articles, research studies, and books. It also discusses concepts such as religious switching, religious saliency, Magico-religiousness, Fatalism, and the foundations of Machismo and Marianismo. Machismo is viewed as toxic masculinity in a cultural context. Marianismo specifically is a set of values and expectations concerning female gender roles that are based on the Virgin Mary - a highly regarded religious figure within Catholicism. The religious beliefs, cultural norms, and toxic gender roles of the Latinx community all combine to impact mental wellness and this study helps bring awareness to these cultural issues.

Toxic Masculinity’s Role in the Hindutva Movement, 1940s-Present

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Jacob Reavis  

In India, the far-right nationalist movement known as the Hindutva movement has caused an increase in sexual violence, domestic violence, communal violence, and marginalization of minority groups throughout the Hindu-dominated country. This movement was born out of strict gender roles, left over by British colonizers, that bred a culture of toxic masculinity. From the late 1940s to the present day, the amount of violence in the subcontinent has only increased in part due to deeply engrained toxic masculinity mixed with nationalist fervor. Leaders like Prime Minister Modi have only added to strict gender roles for male and female Hindus which have had the effect of “Othering” anyone who is not of those groups, especially Muslims. My research explores the intersections between Hinduism, nationalism, and toxic masculinity within modern day India.

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