Toxic Masculinity’s Role in the Hindutva Movement, 1940s-Present


In India, the far-right nationalist movement known as the Hindutva movement has caused an increase in sexual violence, domestic violence, communal violence, and marginalization of minority groups throughout the Hindu-dominated country. This movement was born out of strict gender roles, left over by British colonizers, that bred a culture of toxic masculinity. From the late 1940s to the present day, the amount of violence in the subcontinent has only increased in part due to deeply engrained toxic masculinity mixed with nationalist fervor. Leaders like Prime Minister Modi have only added to strict gender roles for male and female Hindus which have had the effect of “Othering” anyone who is not of those groups, especially Muslims. My research explores the intersections between Hinduism, nationalism, and toxic masculinity within modern day India.


Jacob Reavis
Student, Master of Arts in History, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United States