Nigerian University's Islamic Studies Curriculum and Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria


The blueprint designed by the world to accomplish a robust sustainable future for all living creatures is referred to as sustainable development goals. The goals, which are seventeen in number, address challenges of the developed and developing countries and aim at improving human welfare and protecting the environment. However, there is no doubt that one of the key objectives of the University education is to integrate sustainability across all programmes for the attainment of the desired goals. Thus, this research examines the Islamic Studies curriculum of the University of Ilorin’s academic programme with the objective of identifying its relevance to the actualisation of selected sustainable development goals. The paper adopted a combination of historical and descriptive methods for data collection and data analysis. The findings of the study reveal that the curriculum of Islamic Studies exposes students to the knowledge needed in shaping a sustainable future in the goals discussed and recommends expansion of the curriculum to cover other aspects such as climate change, industrialisation, and well-being.


Shaykh Ahmad Yahya
Lecturer II, Religion, University of Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses


Curriculum, University, Islamic Studies, Sustainable Development, Goals