BEAD the Change : How We Can All Weave Creative Impact to Address the Biggest Global Challenges of Today


This is a hands on workshop designed to engage and inspire people to connect with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) they personally feel called to action. Bridget shares her knowledge and learnings of the SDGs and how creativity is a powerful tool to address complex problems. At the workshop, attendees can experience these learnings for themselves - as each person is given the opportunity to paint a bead in the colour of the SDGs they connect with and in real time, Bridget weaves the beads into a stunning beaded mural. The mural artwork serves as visual data (as you can physically see the colours of the SDGs people have selected) but it’s also a symbol of weaving together our collective actions to make change. Post conference, Bridget collates all the wonderful ideas and initiatives from the workshop and calculates the SDGs into a valuable report, which highlights themes from the sector. Each attendee is welcome to have copy of the report. However, the beaded mural can be gifted to anyone the conference organisers would like to celebrate. This is a powerful workshop that combines sustainable learning, creativity and literally weaves lasting impact!


Bridget Williams
CEO and Founder, Bead and Proceed, Canterbury, New Zealand


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses


Sustainable Development, Climate Action, Creativity, Sustainable Development Goals, Workshop, Impact