Towards an Effective Legislation and Its Implementation: Practical Experience in Methodically Designing Collaboration in the Dutch Criminal Justice System


Changes in a Criminal Justice System (CJS) are necessary to ensure that the CJS meets the needs of our contemporary society. Therefore, change missions are a recurring phenomenon. Digital transformation is such a change mission. To contribute to the success of this mission a focus is required on digital technologies that enable collaboration between people, is people-centric, by creating interoperability, integration, and open platforms for collaborative multi-users in order to co-create services and products. This focus requires a comprehensive view on a CJS, including the relationships between organizations involved, their discretionary powers and their responsibilities. The Service-oriented Approach for Governmental Ecosystems (SAGE) framework intends to help in obtaining and formalizing a comprehensive view on a CJS – supporting a meaningful collaboration between organizations in the CJS by revealing dependencies between organizations, responsibilities, risks and benefits. Applying SAGE in three real-life cases demonstrated promising results, such as testing a law on its evaluability, making goals and responsibilities more explicit, and how to practically align multi-party and multi-disciplinary expectations of management and professionals. Next to using SAGE in more and diverse cases of law implementation, it would be interesting to use it in earlier stages of drafting laws and regulations.


Martin Op 't Land
Professor Enterprise Engineering, Antwerp Management School, Belgium

Mortaza S. Bargh
Scientific staff, senior researcher , Research Group on Digitalization of Justice, Research and Data Center, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security , Netherlands

Ruben Peereboom

Wicher Krabbe
Advisor / Enterprise Architect, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Debora Moolenaar

Sunil Choenni
WODC (Research and Data Centre)


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value


Meaningful, Collaboration, Legislation, Policy, Design, Implementation, Discretionary Power