Knowledge in a Changing Organization


How does an organization acquire, use, and secure knowledge? The empirical work of my Ph.D. project focuses on this central question, in which I interpret data from a changing business organization intending to reconstruct organizational knowledge practices. This is relevant because organizational knowledge is usually understood and examined as the personal knowledge of its members and my work understands knowledge as a shared practice instead. In doing so, I also consider organizational learning, for which three dimensions are distinguished in organizational pedagogy: Learning in, from, and between organizations. My work focuses on the learning of organizations, whereby learning is also a perspective of organizational change or, in terms of systems theory, leads to lasting changes in organizational structures (Zech 2018: 181f). For my work, I analyze qualitative data collected in the DFG research project OLGEPRA which consists of participant observations of natural meeting situations, narrative interviews, and documents. I interpret all of them using the documentary method (Bohnsack 2021), based on the praxeological sociology of knowledge (Bohnsack 2017). In this paper, I present my theoretical and empirical concepts and the initial results of my qualitative analyses. The central insight is that knowledge in organizations goes beyond the individual members and is therefore a common practice of the changing organization. [References: Bohnsack, R. (2017). Praxeologische Wissenssoziologie. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.; Bohnsack, R. (2021). Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. 10. Edition. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.; Zech, R. (2018). Systemtheoretische Grundlagen der Organisationspädagogik. Göhlich, M./Schröer, A./Weber, S. (Ed.). Handbuch Organisationspädagogik. Wiesbaden: Springer, p. 175-186.]


Lea Clara Frömchen Zwick
Research Assistant, Pedagogical Institute, Organizational Pedagogy/Education, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizations as Knowledge Makers


Organizational Knowledge, Changing Organization, Practices, Qualitative Research, Organizational Learning