Leadership Competencies in Saudi Nonprofit Organizations


To attain Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goal to develop leadership, it is necessary to understand the key issues that have emerged in the context of preparing leadership skills in nonprofit organizations to prepare for management positions as soon as possible. This study provides interested parties with an understanding of the characteristics of competent nonprofit organization leaders. The research question is: What leadership competencies are required for all non-profit organization Executive Directors and why should they be adopted? Qualitative methodology is used in this case study of non-profit organizations. Fifteen leaders participated in interviews, the results of which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings suggest that leaders in different nonprofit leadership organizations should possess six categories of competencies to overcome internal and external challenges effectively


Rola Younis Masoud Mohammed
Student, PhD, King Abdel Aziz University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses


Leadership Competencies, Challenges, Nonprofit Organizations, Saudi Arabia