Application of Visual Analytics to Generate Insights on the Impacts of Climate Change on Business Supply Chains: A Big Data Analytics Approach


The goal of this research is to investigate the impacts of climate change on the business supply chain by using visual analytics (VA). Researchers have described the examination of the effects of climate change on global supply chains by leveraging big data analytics (BDA) as opportunities that need to overcome several challenges (Papadopoulos and Balta, 2022). Researchers list fifteen challenges faced by supply chain managers that include, for example, the supply problems of raw materials, changes in customer behavior and demand, extra costs, and decreased financial performance among others. Fielder et al., (2021) have redefined the connection between business and climate research by emphasizing the need for the business perspective. Visual analytics has emerged as an effective tool to illustrate the insights that can be derived from Big Data repositories. The current research will leverage visual analytics to illustrate the impacts of climate change on supply chain management through publicly available climate data.


Lutfus Sayeed
Professor and Faculty Director, Lam Family College of Business, San Francisco State University, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses


Climate Change, Big Data Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Visual Analytics