Green Horizons: Embracing Paperless Practices and AI for Enhanced Environmental Sustainability in Organizations


The present paper discusses how technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and paperless systems, can drive environmental sustainability in organizational contexts. The manuscript is structured to offer a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impacts of traditional office practices, primarily focusing on the high consumption of paper and the consequent carbon footprint. At its core, the paper introduces ‘Green Horizons,’ a framework advocating the shift towards paperless practices and the adoption of AI. This transition is not only environmentally beneficial—reducing paper waste and conserving forests—but also economically advantageous, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs. The document vividly illustrates these benefits through various case studies, showcasing successful industry transitions. A significant portion of the paper is devoted to exploring the role of AI in optimizing resource use, managing energy efficiently, and automating routine tasks. These AI-driven practices have been shown to diminish the environmental impact of organizational activities significantly. However, the paper also addresses the challenges of adopting these technologies, such as the initial financial investment, staff training, and resistance to change. It proposes solutions like governmental support, internal policy reforms promoting sustainable practices, strategies for integrating paperless operations with AI technologies, leadership commitment, employee education, and incentives for adopting sustainable practices. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes that integrating paperless practices with AI is environmentally responsible and offers economic and operational benefits. It calls for a concerted effort from organizations, governments, and individuals to embrace these technologies, underscoring the importance of leadership in driving this change for a more sustainable future.


Dious Joseph
Manager Communication Resource Centre and Graduate Teaching Asociate, Scrips College of Communication, Ohio University, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses