Cultivating Social Entrepreneurship for Greener Futures through Organizational Learning : Strategies for Gen Zers for Climate Response


Our study is timely and offers solutions to the documented decline in entrepreneurial thinking among Gen Zers, a shift that will negatively impact a variety of organizations including those devoted to climate response (Peschl et al., 2021). To offer fresh strategies for organizational learning, we draw on a rich original data set comprised of over two hundred Gen Zers from whom we gathered multi-method survey, focus group, and in-depth interview data. Our respondents are recent alumni of an organizational program in which Gen Zers are placed around the world with social entrepreneurs creating sustainable opportunities that advance clean energy, potable water, and green energy. Analyzing experiential interventions, we find that an entrepreneurial mindset may be inculcated that 1) awakens Gen Zers’ self-confidence as change makers in organizations at the forefront of combating climate change, 2) gives Gen Zers communication skills to grow as organizational problem solvers as team members, and 3) strengthens future commitment to serving in a variety of organizations related to sustainability. Detailing the elements of successful experiential learning, we offer replicable recommendations to organizations ideally suited to the inculcation of the change-maker mindset among Gen Zers as dynamic organizational members and future leaders addressing a host of problems related to climate change.


Jeremy Schulz
Research Scientist, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, UC Berkeley, California, United States

Laura Robinson
Student/Professor Team, Sociology, SCU, California, United States

Morgan Vodzak
Student, Marketing, Santa Clara University, California, United States

Katia Moles
Student, BA, Santa Clara University, CA, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses


Organizational Learning, Organizational Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, Gen Z, Sustainability