Organizational Theatre: Arts-informed Qualitative Inquiry in Organizational Transformation Research


This paper makes significant contributions to the heterogeneous organization research field by deepening our understanding of the complex organizational transformation phenomenon. It does so with the goal of raising awareness among a diverse audience about the quality of the findings and the current stalemate in research. In this work, new theoretical insights are achieved by the use of arts-informed qualitative research methodologies to combine extensive data from a concept analysis with a study of the actor’s training system created by Konstantin Stanislavski. In addition to its contribution to our understanding of qualitative inquiry in organizational transformation research, the dramaturgical approach to interpreting and making meaning of organizational growth and strategic change that has been presented is significant in that it advances our knowledge of qualitative inquiry in organizational transformation research. It is the conceptual adaptation of underlying constructs of actor’s training and acting techniques described in the books “An Actor Prepares” and “Building a Character” that makes a contribution to discussions about the subjectivity of organizational research, as well as why an arts-informed qualitative research perspective has the potential to advance the understanding of organizations.


Gediminas Baublys
CEO, CHANGE LT, Alytaus Apskritis, Lithuania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Arts-informed research, Decision making, Konstantin Stanislavski, Organizational transformation