Organizations and New Nuances: An Exploratory Analysis on the Factors of Filipino Organizational Identification


Employees are particular when they apply for work and consider the act of identifying with organizations an important part of their career journey. In line with this, many organizations vie to attract the best talents that can thrive and grow in their workplaces through the act of Organizational Identification. Most existing literature regarding Organizational Identification was focused on measuring its effects when paired with other organizational metrics, such as employee satisfaction and performance, and was generally seen as a positive variable for companies. However, specific contributing factors and employee-perceived effects of organizational identification were scarcely discussed. Asian literature also lacked contextual discussions that can explain how this phenomenon is operationalized, particularly in the Philippine setting. The purpose of this study is to 1) to identify the organizational factors that Filipino employees consider in identifying with their organizations, and 2) to analyze other organization-specific traits contributing to Filipino employees’ organizational identification per field. The researcher surveyed 491 participants from 13 different work industries to support the objectives above. The findings show that employees considered both personal and professional factors in Organizational Identification, namely externality, leadership, company values, personal values, communication, interpersonal concerns, and nature of tasks. Their self-reported manifestations were all positive, which included better work outputs and team communication, external representation, alignment, personal transformation, and emotional effects.


Marti Rodriguez
Instructor, Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value


Organizational Communication, Organizational Identification, Filipino Communication, Intrapersonal Communication