Transformative Conscious Culture Change Using Human Potential Realisation Analytics: Making Human Potential Realisation a New Collective Reality in Organisations


We show how we pioneer new reculturing frameworks and OD approaches and bring human potential realisation into mainstream conversations and daily practices, making it a new collective conscious culture reality. Conscious culture transcends but include mainstream work culture. It addresses the deeper drivers of the Being fully human but includes the doing needed to get thing done to achieve strategically aligned results throughout the organisation. At high level, conscious culture is a “dance” between multiple levels of knowing (epistemology ascent) and being (ontological descent). At practical level, conscious culture encompasses shifts in mindsets (consciousness, attitudes, and behaviours) using new everyday language, words and human potential metrics generated through individual assessments. What gets measured, gets done. We reframe how we think about cultural integration by considering cultural maturity before cultural fit. The value creation and fruits show up in the journey itself and the destination is naturally evolutionary. This paper is supported by case study metrics and analytics.


Peter Leong
Executive Director, Being at Full Potential NZ Ltd, New Zealand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Reculturing, Organisational culture, Culture transformation, Culture change management, Conscious culture