Corporate Artscience Collaboration: Combining Modes of Reasoning


Possibly several taken-for-granted assumptions about collaborations are no longer useful in the context of 21st challenges (e.g., terrorism, climate change, or water scarcity) in a VUCA world. New modes of inter-organizational collaboration might contribute to tackle complex and wicked prob-lems in the coming decades (Termeer et al., 2019; Ferraro et al., 2015; Pavez et al., 2021). Termeer et al. (2019) and other scholars like Head (2019) and Pavez et al. (2021) argued that wicked problems as well as value creation need the deployment of and collaboration between multiple stake-holders and creative thinking. In this contribution we examine how corporate artscience collaboration - collaboration between the arts, organisations, and organisational sciences - and interdisciplinary thinking might tackle complex and wicked problems in organizational contexts.


Steven De Groot
Professor, Economics, Zuyd University UAS, Netherlands


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value


Corporate artscience Interdisciplinary thinking Design Thinking