Mental Health and Wellbeing @ Work: Another Dimension of the Pandemic


The aim of this research paper is to explore the impact of the pandemic (COVID-19) on the mental health and wellbeing of employees in the organisations. COVID-19 has taken a physical toll on lives of people with millions killed or fallen sick across the world due to the ever evolving virus. The toll on the mental health of staff working in the organisations (or not working due to loss of employment) is becoming more apparent now. This paper will use primary and secondary sources to identify what is happening in terms of mental health of employees in the organisations. Have organisations been prepared to look at mental health issues besides the physical health? What are the strategies being implemented and can we do better to ensure psychological safety becomes the norm in the fabric of organisation culture along with the physical safety? Anticipated limitations of the paper include limited primary data available through open sources to analyse.


Charu Hurria
Director/ Management Consultant/ Career Coach, AHCDC ( Australasian Human Capital Development Centre), New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Mental Health; Psychological Safety; Impact of pandemic; Organisational Culture