Meaningful Ethical Resilience: Modern Leadership Juggle


Global crisis has led to an uprise on the term ‘resilience’, a Latin origination of ‘resiliens’, that was referenced in 1824 as elasticity and subsequent references to the act of rebounding or leaping, which is now being associated to leadership. The expectation for leaders to take on the challenges to manage the psychological capital of their employees when faced with external pressures and at the same time the need to steer the business to optimal function, is relentlessly intense. In fact, resilience can almost be viewed as an exploitation on the mere humans who take on this leadership rank. Furthermore, this expectation differs from industry to industry with the turbulent disruptions occurring in various aspects. The modern leader is set with a huge task on making meaning of their commitment in this complex environment of managing people and the business. This juggling act raises many questions and amongst which raises the pertinent one of ethical resilience. This session will generate discussion by reviewing concepts and theoretical frameworks and contribute to possible collaboration.


Selvi Kannan
Academic and Course Chair, Innovation and Management, Business School, Victoria University, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking Organizational Resilience: Shared Meanings in Turbulent Times


Resilience, Leadership, Ethical Meaning