The Future Possible Changes in the Mechanism of Firms’ Work after Covid-19 Pandemic: Rethinking and Lessons Learned


Europe is considered one of the regions in the world most affected by Covid-19 pandemic at all levels, especially the economic level, and its effects may continue for long periods in the future, which called us to conduct this study to shed light on the lessons learned from this crisis and research the possible changes in the mechanisms of firms’ work to be taken to deal with similar or different crises in the future. The study depended on qualitative method by taking a purposive sample of 120 managers and deputies have been interviewed online at 15 companies in Austria affected positively and negatively by the consequences of the pandemic at different levels. The results revealed that that three companies (Amazon, Lieferando, and Pfizer) achieved great success and profits under the Corona pandemic basically due to nature of their work, and therefore the measures taken were a part of the nature of the work in normal circumstances with some simple changes. Two companies achieved success due to new organizational, administrative and marketing mechanisms and changes that were taken to adapt with new crisis. As for the remaining companies, the administrative slack, excessive bureaucracy and the absence of creative solutions prevented them from overcoming the repercussions of the crisis, even as three of the ten companies studied are on the verge of closing permanently despite the government aid provided. The study provided in the end paradigm to overcome similar or different crises in the future based on conclusions of the study.


Orwa Al Zoubi
Student, Doctorate, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking Organizational Resilience: Shared Meanings in Turbulent Times