

Whether you like it or not, the world is a changing place. Every day there’s something new to learning - something new that could make a big difference to your future. But in spite of your best efforts, you don’t seem to be making the progress you’d like. You’re still suffering the same frustrations. You’re still tripping over the same stones. The problem is your learnability. Learnability is what we call our ability to approach, absorb, and apply new ideas and new skills. It’s cognitive psychology, behavioural psychology, and a little neuroscience all rolled into one. Once you apply some related techniques, learning becomes much more effective. It’s a way of making sure you learn the maximum amount for the effort you put in. Whether you’re a new recruit or a multinational leader, learning emotional intelligence, sales techniques or a new language, improving your learnability can make all the difference between getting ahead - or getting left behind. Main takeaways from this session: A clearer understanding of how we learn; Recognising the dangers of the learning illusion; The 3 step (AWF) method for effective learning; The opportunity to develop a personal learning strategy.


Ian Gibbs
Owner, Learnability, Spain


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Learning, Adaptability, Effectiveness, Impact, Change