The Stoic Leader : An Ancient Philosophy for Modern Leaders


Leadership development is a $366 billion-dollar global business. Yet workplace stress is at an all-time high with 70% of workers disengaged. The current model isn´t working. We face a leadership crisis. A group of the world´s most influential and successful leaders, from Nelson Mandela to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have turned to a philosophy set down two millennia ago by thinkers in Athens and Rome called Stoicism. How would you like to be seen as a leader? Strong and decisive, yet fair and considerate? Action orientated yet willing to take criticism and admit mistakes? Putting the good of the group over individual success? Imagine what could be achieved if your team focused on the right things in a fear-free and blame-free culture, where innovation and productivity thrived, rather than wasting time complaining or gossiping in a stagnant environment?


Peter Mckenzie
CFO, Anticipa, Spain


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking Organizational Resilience: Shared Meanings in Turbulent Times


Leadership, Innovation, Resilience, Culture, Behaviour