Creating Resilient Organizations: The Power of a Culture of Organizational Grit


The COVID-19 pandemic accentuated the need for organizations to be equipped to face complex, dynamic, and enduring challenges. However, despite both research into and stellar examples of organizational persistence, it is still unclear as to what it takes for an organization to persist and persevere through complex, dynamic, and enduring challenges. Resilient organizations endure, adapting to challenge, persisting through both minor and complex challenges. However, what are the foundational elements of these resilient organization? Perhaps, organizational culture serves as an enabling factor, but what are those cultural forces? Organizational grit, a cultural dynamic of an organization that enables it to remain steadfastly focused on its mission while persevering through both major and minor setbacks, may explain those cultural forces that are the undercurrent for resilient organizations. This paper provides an overview of this conceptual framework supported by findings from a multiple case study and provide details regarding the development of an instrument to measure organizational grit. The goal of this research is to begin to uncover the foundational elements of resilient organizations. Overtime, with more research, we can begin to understand how to generate and support organizations that are prepared to face complex, dynamic, and enduring challenges.


Celeste Raver Luning
Class of 1967 Leadership Research Fellow, Department of Leadership, Ethics, and Law, United States Naval Academy, Maryland, United States

Andrew Ledford
Chair, Leadership, Ethics, and Law, United States Naval Academy, Maryland, United States

Kevin Mullaney
Permanent Military Professor, Leadership, Ethics and Law, United States Naval Academy, Maryland, United States

David Wallace
Department of Leadership Ethics and Law, United States Naval Academy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking Organizational Resilience: Shared Meanings in Turbulent Times


Organizational Resilience, Organizational Grit, Organizational Culture, Resilient Organizations