Skills and Organizational Elements for Social Digital Innovation : Transnlational Study +RESILIENT Project


The identification of skills for Social Digital Innovation is a key issue for the future of work (UE,2019; WEF,2019; OIT,2019). From a conceptualization of skills that take into account the organizational elements that allow the performance of individual capacities (Monchartre & Rolle, 2003; Lichtenberger, 2003), this study aims to identify skills and organizational elements to generate sustainable social digital innovation linked to the resilient organizations. The research is part of the EU Interreg +Resilient Project that consists of a transnational study with a sample of 366 people and comprises a wide range of stakeholders from a 4th helix approach: social economy organisations, enterprises from the private sector, public administrations, research institutions and civil society.


Lidia Arroyo
Researcher, Gender & ICT Research Group- Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

Jörg Müller


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking Organizational Resilience: Shared Meanings in Turbulent Times


Skills, Work, Innovation, Sociology, Gender