Creating a More Resilient Inclusive Culture in Higher Education: Foundational Steps Towards Structural Change


Academic excellence for the public good is inseparable from our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) are integral components of academic excellent and resilience and help prepare students for success in a preparing students for success in a culturally, ethnically/racially diverse global society and workforce, and improving the quality of life of all campus stakeholders by providing support for a just and sustainable future. The principle of engagement through inclusion is a core value. We share best practices and our experience from over three decades working to institutionalize cultural change. We present a multipronged, incremental, and structural approach to strengthening EDI, which includes curriculum transformation, programming, support services, search processes, retention, and more. EDI must be at the center of decision making in every area within an organization. While we examine our own experience in higher education, these practices are relevant to all organizations.


Abby Ferber
Professor, Director, Sociology and Women's and Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Organizational, Institutional and Cultural Change, Equity, Inclusion, Higher education, Intersectionality