Micro Change: When Organizational Change is An Everyday Phenomenon


Grounded in a process philosophical approach this paper concerns change as an everyday phenomenon. When employees and leaders are asked what organizational changes are the most distinctive and stressful, this empirical study shows that they point at micro changes. Thus, changes that are part of everyday activities in the organization are the ones they point out. Examples are physical moves such as getting a new desk or office. Or social changes such as getting new colleagues or a new leader. The argument being that in order to support and ensure that employees and leaders thrive in organizations, we need a new change vocabulary, moving away from more classic change terms such as change management and change resistance to for example change facilitation.


Signe Bruskin
External Lecturer, Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Value of Culture and the Demand of Change


Organizational Change, Everyday Activities, Routines, Relations