A Multimodal Application to Connect Families in Vulnerable Housing Situation and Volunteers: A Project in Higher Education


Social vulnerability is a growing factor within cities and can generate several problems, including housing, which triggers several other factors responsible for the worsening of the situation. This project developed an application to connect volunteers, construction professionals and families in vulnerable situations to improve the environment in which these families live, reducing risk factors, qualifying labor for work in the industry construction, and collecting leftovers of construction materials and directing the demand to the registered families in need. The theoretical support addresses the use of multimodality in apps, the housing problem, the issue of collective effort and self-construction, and volunteering. The application was developed using the online tool Fábrica de Aplicativos. The objective is to promote a better quality of life for those who are in a vulnerable situation. Additionally, a project was designed to employ this App in higher education, with Senior students from the undergraduate courses of Architecture, Design, and Civil and Electric Engineering so that they can have a place to develop their abilities to put the theory into practice and, at the same, develop the habit of conducting volunteering work. The application will initially be utilized in the city of Lages, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. However, as it is a digital tool, it can be replicated anywhere in the country.


Mariana Lopetegui
Professor, Architecture and Design, Unifacvest, Brazil

Katia E Muck
Professor/Postdoctoral Researcher, Postgraduate Program on Transcultural Studies, Unifacvest/UFPR, Brazil


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Technologies in Learning