The New Base Nacional Comum Curricular in Brazil: Insights from a Professional Learning Course


After years of debate, the new curricular standards known as the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), proposed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), were released in December 2018. The BNCC is a normative document that provides a framework for all students from preschool to high school, in both private and public schools, setting academic standards that every student is expected to learn at each grade level. A new Federal Law 13415/17 was introduced, requiring states and municipalities to implement the changes in the new curriculum by 2024. This postdoctoral study utilized an educational design-based research approach to interpret the BNCC and develop a professional development learning module. The aim was to assist Brazilian teachers in comprehending the document and planning English classes in line with the guidelines. The online implementation lasted eight weeks during April and May 2023. This paper highlights key findings from the professional learning experience, involving eight high school teachers. The outcomes of this research include the need for systemic professional learning and a creation of a repository of teaching resources and effective practices related to the BNCC.


Vania Castro
Student, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


BNCC, High School Reform, Professional Learning, English Language