Developing English Teachers’ Agency in the North of Brazil


Assuming that agency is a discursive practice and one of the basic premises of an education which forms critical, participative, and transformative agents to live in a society in constant changes due to globalization, neoliberalism and digital technologies, the main objective of this study was to research if agency development implies a critically oriented English Language Teaching (ELT) in global and digital times. In order to reach that goal, we investigated the emergence and conceptualization of English teachers’ agency, in pre-service and in-service education, in their education and in their pedagogical practice in the North of Brazil.


Denise Landim
Professor, Languages, Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Literacies and Educational Changes: Rediscussing Digital Learning, Neoliberalism and Post-Pandemic Policies


Agency, Teacher, Education, Critical, Literacy English, Language, Teaching, Practicum