Personal Encounters, Decolonial Complexities: Insights from Editing Beaver, Bison, Horse (R. G. Morgan)


The editing of my mother’s posthumous book, Beaver, Bison, Horse: The Traditional Knowledge and Ecology of the Northern Great Plains (University of Regina Press, 2020), was deeply emotional at times but also illuminating as to the challenges and complexities of doing transdisciplinary decolonial work. The manuscript needed revisions following new publishing guidelines regarding writing about and with indigenous peoples. In this presentation, I describe some of the key insights of my editing experience and relate them to the colloquium theme of literacies, teacher education and decoloniality.


Brian Morgan
Glendon College, York University, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Literacies and Educational Changes: Rediscussing Digital Learning, Neoliberalism and Post-Pandemic Policies


Traditional, Ecological, Knowledge, Anthropology, Indigeneity, Decolonizing, Literacies