Literacies - the Indigenous Communities’ Perspectives and Sustainability


In contemporary social relations, the adjective sustainable has attained linguistic, cultural and economic capital, in the sense that it adds worth and grants legitimacy to products, business practices, and also to individual production and consumption relations. At least theoretically, sustainability has been the guideline for individual and collective actions. The UN’s 2030 agenda, for example, proposed 17 sustainable development goals, signaling global efforts to build a sustainable global society. However, the mere labeling practices and products as sustainable, as if it were a trademark, does not guarantee the commitment with future generations to maintain the biosocial conditions of existence on the planet. The modern Western agenda is not committed to life and to its preservation processes; on the contrary, the “deadly civilizing dynamic” (TEIXEIRA, 2022) pushes us towards our species extinction and deformation of the planet. Amerindian wisdom, however, although historically categorized as a minor and backward knowledge, prove the viability of sustainable life on our planet if practices of interspecific coexistence, cross-cultural dialogue and confluent social relations are privileged. We consider research on the subject, carried out within the scope of Applied Linguistics, with the objective of contributing, with principles of Amerindian epistemologies, to the mandatory task of building a sustainable paradigm for human existence on planet Earth.


Simone Silva
Professor, Institute of Education, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Literacies and Educational Changes: Rediscussing Digital Learning, Neoliberalism and Post-Pandemic Policies


Applied Linguistics; Sustainable Societies; Amerindian epistemologies