From Teaching to Coaching in the Post-pandemic Classroom: Revisiting Learning Indicators for Immersive Higher Education


This study explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the overall higher education landscape and challenged traditional methods of measuring learning motivations and assessing learning outcomes in light of these changes. It highlights the shift from traditional teaching methods to coaching approaches in college curriculum and instruction, emphasizing the need to reevaluate learning indicators in the post-pandemic era. As preliminary research, this study examines the development of two common learning indexes, namely the Composite Learning Index (CLI) and the European Lifelong Learning Indicators (ELLI) Index, both of which are thematically organized under UNESCO’s four ‘pillars of learning’: Learning to know; Learning to do; Learning to be; and Learning to live together. This study investigates whether the specific indicators and measures within these index systems are still applicable for calculating progress in diverse modes of learning after the pandemic. Furthermore, this study suggests relevant measuring indicators for digital learning, which includes new literacies and ubiquitous platforms in higher education, aiming to empower college students to establish themselves as active learners through the effective utilization of coaching advice.


Minhyoung Kim
Associate Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Literacies and Educational Changes: Rediscussing Digital Learning, Neoliberalism and Post-Pandemic Policies


Post-Pandemic, Higher Education, Coaching, Learning Index, Digital Learning