Critical Literacy in Reflective Multimodal Activities in a Pre-service Extension Course in Piauí, Brazil


During initial education, restricted to curricular guidelines, some reflections might not be developed in our universities. In our personal experience, in the English major at Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), it is important to have extension short courses in order to have opportunities to discuss and evaluate issues that are present in our reality as English (future) teachers in the northeast of Brazil. After the quarantine period of COVID-19 pandemic and political and socioeconomical problems that have been present in our lives, we designed an extension course (which was held from November 2022 through January 2023) in which pre-service English teachers, doctoral students and a professor gathered to discuss our views on the role of teaching English as an additional/foreign language in Piauí, from a decolonial perspective. The participants were undergraduate students from the Federal and State Universities of Piauí who elaborated and shared reflections after and during the meetings, throughout multimodal possibilities (KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2001), aiming at resignifying and producing possible changes in our identities as English learners/teachers/researchers and in the linguistic education in Piauí. To achieve that, decolonial (MENEZES DE SOUZA & MONTE MÓR, 2021; QUIJANO, 2000; GROSFOGUEL, 2007) and critical literacy theories (FONSECA & SOL, 2022; MONTE MÓR, 2015; TAKAKI, 2021; FREIRE, 2005) were reviewed and discussed. In this paper, we share some of our analyses on the participants’ productions and reflections and hope to receive contributions to continue developing language teachers’ education and its impact in Piauí.


Beatriz Gama Rodrigues
English Professor, Coordenação de Letras Estrangeiras (CLE), Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Piauí, Brazil

Adriano Sousa
Student, Doctorate, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI, Piauí, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


English Teaching, Decoloniality, Critical Literacies