Teachers and Digital Technologies: Data Results from the Interinstitutional Brazilian Project Tecnologias Digitais, Sociedade e Cultura


I discuss excepts of data obtained in the inter-institutional Brazilian project “Tecnologias digitais, sociedade e cultura: interfaces educacionais sob a perspectiva dos letramentos” (TDSC). The Participatory Action Research project was developed by an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional team of researchers from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, and the State University of Campinas, in partnership with two centers from the São Paulo state public educational system, between April 2020 and January 2023. The discussion analyses teachers’ accounts on their take of ICT technologies during the emergency remote teaching period as well as the subsequent months when the schools were re-opened. The results suggest that the unplanned implementation of ICT resources to sustain the emergency remote teaching during the pandemic demanded extra efforts from the teachers, resulting in tiredness and distress, aggravating a previously complex scenario in which teachers already had to face several issues related to work conditions. It also suggests that, although there were some few positive accounts from some participants who work in a very specific group of public schools, some teachers still tend to refer to ICT in education from a stereotyped solutionist point of view, which led them to bear the most of the responsibility for “making it happen”, even if schools, students and the educators themselves were evidently not prepared for it.


Eliane Fernandes Azzari
Professor and researcher, Language and Communication School, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning


ICT, New Literacies, Teacher education, Critical literacies, Pandemic