Podcast as a Third Space: Investigating Pre-service Teachers' Teacherly Becoming and Positioning


This study explores podcasts as a third space for pre-service teachers’ teacherly becoming and positioning. Drawing on De Landa’s (2016) extension of the assemblage theory (De Leuze and Guattari, 1987), this study investigates the interconnectedness of various components of the podcast assemblage, including the technology, the content of the episodes, the social and cultural contexts, and the interactions between participants, to show how the assemblage influences the participants’ teacherly becoming and positioning. Through a qualitative case study approach, we collected data through interviews, observation, podcast recordings, and instructor reflections, analysing the data using thematic analysis. Our analysis focuses on the ways in which pre-service teachers position themselves as critical educators and moments of reflection on past, present, and future becoming. We also examine how the podcast serves as a unique third space for critical engagement and depth of dialogue, not typically found in more formal educational settings. This unique “third space” results in the ‘stretching’ of the university assemblage, by connecting pre-service teachers with a wider community of learners and creating a dialogic space that brings together the voices of pre-service teachers, instructors, and other stakeholders. Through this study, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential of podcasting as a means for promoting agency and teacherly becoming in and beyond the traditional classroom boundaries. This study has implications for teacher educators and researchers who are interested in innovative approaches to teacher education where critical reflection and dialogue emerges as properties of a nested set of assemblages.


Delecia Davids
Lecturer, Department Curriculum Studies, Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa

Elzahn Rinquest
Lecturer, Education Policy Studies, Stellenbosch University, Western Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education


Teacherly Becoming, Assemblage Theory, Dialogic Space, Educational Podcasts, Teacher Education