Making and Adding Sense in Remote/Hybrid Language Teacher Education


This paper reflects on my process of making and adding sense as an English professor in a remote/hybrid language teacher education context, based on the functions of meaning (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2020). Beyond identifying different modes of meaning making (text, image, space, object, body, sound, and speech), Cope & Kalantzis (2020) invite us to look at the functions of meaning created through these modes (reference, agency, structure, context, and interest). In remote/hybrid language education, the modes of meaning-making we already knew became more complex, since they were available not only in different media (printed and digital texts, for example), but in different contexts (socioeconomic, geographical, in-person, online), and for different people, with different agendas. Through the meaning functions, we might be able to understand what things are about in these new contexts, who or what is doing things, how things are correlated, what are the connections, and who is making decisions. In this presentation, I analyze these functions of meaning based on the subjects and modes and media involved in my language classes, some of the actions we took, the structures of both remote and hybrid classes, the different contexts involved and finally the interests. Therefore, by analyzing these new contexts we might be able to better understand the transformations we are facing in education.


Luciana Parnaiba De Castro
Student, Doctorate, Universidade de São Paulo, Paraíba, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literacies Learning


Remote/Hybrid Education, Language Teacher Education; Multimodality, Meaning Making; Meaning Functions