From Traditional to Virtual Pedagogical Settings: Practical Teaching Tips


In response to the continuous concern that teaching, whether in its traditional, online, or hybrid formats, is more than knowledge sharing and assessment, this research paper argues that for a successful online class experience, teachers need to adapt both their instructions and their traditional class norms to an online learning setting. Drawing on personal teaching experiences, and my recently accomplished training experience as a Virtual English Language Fellow (VELF) in a professional development program for university teachers, the paper suggests some practical solutions to the most common challenge teachers usually face when moving online which is adapting their classroom instruction for a digital learning environment. The success of an online pedagogical experience generally implies the teacher’s ability to meet the preset lesson objectives, manage online class time, and give space for interaction, which, within an online environment where many students tend to feel detached, have become more challenging. As such, the paper suggests some helpful practical tools, teachers have to consider to make this transition possible. While planning for moving online, teachers need to consider first, interactivity because students need to feel able to assert their social and emotional selves while online and this can be achieved through student community building, second, student motivation needs to be asserted because students retain knowledge when feeling engaged, and, third, instructional effectiveness which can be achieved through applying different tools like segmenting a slideshow session, setting class norms, building blocks, etc.


Khedidja Chergui
Assistant Professor, English, L'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bouzaréah, Alger, Algeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Technologies in Learning