Harmony, Peace, and Philosophical Approach in the Poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal


Pakistan’s national literary legend Allama Iqbal (1877-1938): a poet, philosopher and politician in British India. He wrote his works in Persian and Urdu and is cherished and talked about whenever the subject of Pakistani literature comes up. He was a revolutionary writer with great consciousness and precision who gave philosophical ideas regarding universe in a quite new way. His concept of revival, peace and harmony did not only lead to the creation of Pakistan, but also gave a new breath and the sense of revolution to the South Asia.The vocabulary used by him in his Urdu and Persian poetry is the fermentation of Arabic, Ajmi and Hindu Islamic civilization. If we study the core of the words used by him in his works, then we can trace the true meaning behind them. The function of verb in any poet’s writings reflects the connection between the word and the poet’s life. In this study special attention is given to Iqbal’s use of words and their multiple figurative meanings as well as the impact of language and literature on the cultures of South Asia.


Kamran Muhammad
Professor, Urdu Language and Literature, University of the Punjab, Punjab, Pakistan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


Learning, Diversity, East