Evaluating the Capacity of a Preparation Program to Train Educational Leaders Who Promote a Supportive and Inclusive School Culture Post COVID-19


Our investigation is designed to determine whether prospective school leaders are equipped to develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, responsive, and inclusive school culture in order to optimize the success of every student, as specified by the National Educational Leadership Program standards. Such organizational resilience takes shape along three skill dimensions: a. Leaders can use data to evaluate, design, cultivate, and advocate for a supportive and inclusive school culture; b. They can evaluate, and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, technologies, and opportunities that support the educational success and well-being of each student, and; c. They are competent at monitoring, cultivating, and advocating for equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive instruction and behavior support practices among teachers and staff. Our approach is to survey some 40 current candidates in an educational leadership preparation program to determine the degree to which they have mastered these three skills in order to foster a supportive, equitable, responsive, and inclusive school culture. Additionally, we will prompt each to respond to the following: 1. How do you define equity-focused leadership? 2. Provide one example of how you would apply equity-focused leadership. We will use these data to augment our leadership preparation program by filling any gaps in our curriculum and instruction to furnish our candidates with the skills to rebuild organizational resilience in our schools, needed now more than ever given the challenges of COVID-19.


Douglas Hermond
Professor, Educational Leadership, Prairie View A&M University, Texas, United States

Janice Taylor
Prairie View A&M University

L.S. Spencer, Jr.
Clinical Instructor and Program Co-Coordinator, Educational Administration, Prairie View A & M University, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessment and Evaluation


Leadership Preparation Program Evaluation Organizational Resiliency