Testing New Formats for Information Literacy Instruction: Perspectives from an Online Course and Workshop Series at the University of Mississippi


This paper focuses on two new instruction methods librarians are pursuing at the University of Mississippi as a result of increased online instruction demands and emerging needs for information skills applicable beyond the classroom. As a whole, the library has begun placing more emphasis on workshops in order to tackle various literacies, particularly information and news. Individually, the author/presenter developed a Library Skills and Orientation course available online to supplement or replace traditional library instruction, with modules that cover academic research as well as literacies for workforce readiness and daily life. The author discusses what motivated the Research and Instruction Department to try out alternative teaching and learning opportunities, as well as how they determined what content to include in the workshops and online course. They also share insights gained throughout the development and implementation process, as well as plans to continue improving these learning formats in the future.


Brooke Gross
Research & Instruction Librarian, University Libraries, The University of Mississippi, Mississippi, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Literacies and Educational Changes: Rediscussing Digital Learning, Neoliberalism and Post-Pandemic Policies


Literacies, Library Instruction, Critical Thinking, Online Learning, Post-Covid Instruction