Gender Diversity: Moves Towards Inclusive Education in Brazil and England


This paper explores decision-making regarding the inclusion of gender diversity in the curricula and syllabi of secondary schools in Brazil and England. The particular focus of this comparative case study is on secondary schools in Greater Recife and Greater London, drawing upon data obtained in fieldwork in 2020-2022. Both schools are situated in communities marked by diversity, respectively social and ethnic. How do these schools further respond to gender diversity in their communities? Which pedagogic tradition illuminates their strategies to promote social justice and tolerance? What tensions and challenges do they encounter amidst fast-changing legal provisions and cultural values?


Else R. P. Vieira
Professor of Brazilian and Comparative Latin American Sudies, Modern Languages and Cultures, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Sonia Fatima Schwendler
Education, Federal University of ParanĂ¡, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learner Diversity and Identities


Gender Diversity, Inclusive Education, Challenges, Brazil and England