Design and Content Validity of a Scale to Assess Socioemotional Skills in High School and Higher Education


The purpose of the study is to design and obtain evidence of construct validity of the content of the Socioemotional Skills Scale for High School and Higher Education Students (EHSE-EEMSS, by its acronyms in Spanish). The purpose of the scale is to identify strengths and weaknesses of socioemotional skills in high school and higher education students, in order to support and guide the improvement of the teaching-learning process at the classroom and school level. The method of validation by expert judgment was implemented and the Content Validation Indexes (CVI) were estimated using the methods of Aiken’s V, Lawshe’s RVC, RVC’ modified by Tristan, and Rovinelli and Hambleton’s Item-Objective congruence. As a result, acceptable overall CVIs were obtained according to the quality criteria of each method. In conclusion, the EHSE-EEMSS meets the technical quality criteria for tests with improvement purposes and low impact. It is recommended to address the recommendations to the items proposed by the judges and to apply a pilot test with students to analyze the internal structure and reliability of the scale.


Monica Lubinsky Jinich
Psychologist, Education and Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Baja California, Mexico

Alina Alejandra Ramos Vargas
Teacher, Humanities and Social Department, Dirección General de Bachillerato; Subsecretaria de Educación Media Superior, Mexico

Juan Carlos Perez Moran
Coordinador Académico, Red Impulsora de Metodologías de Evaluación Diagnóstica e Innovación Educativa, Baja California, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Assessment and Evaluation


Validity, Social-emotional skills, Content Validity Index, High school education, Students